Biorad elisa plate washer manual
microplate systemsbio-rad plate reader
It addresses the wash requirements for standard. ELISA, cell-based assays, blood typing, and other custom assays. The Model 1575. Immunowash microplate washer positions (accurate to within 0.1 mm) to support microtiter plates, the ImmunoWash 1575 microplate washer improves efficiency for. Compact, programmable 2 x 8-channel washer/aspirator for 96-well flat, U-, or V-bottom plate microplates with built-in vacuum and dispensing pumps; Microplate Washer. Instruction Manual. Catalog Numbers. 170-7164 (115 Vac). 170-7165 (230 Vac). BIORAD. For Technical Service Call Your Local Bio-Rad Office simply by using these instructions and the onboard wash program. To run standard ELISAs or other plate-based assays, you must modify programs and. The ImmunoWash 1575 microplate washer is essential for performing accurate and reproducible immunoassays in a microplate format, such as ELISA. Removing foam pieces. Turn the washer ON (ON/OFF switch on rear panel). When plate carrier and manifold are moving to their home position 100/240 V, microplate washer, includes bottle and tubing, 8-port manifold, aerosol protection cover, compatible with flat-, U-, and V-bottom plates. The Bio-Plex Pro Wash Station eliminates manual wash steps from Bio-Plex Assays, making them as easy as ELISAs. The wash station is specifically designed toPowerful, compact and programmable microplate washers/aspirators (8-channel Menu selection and detailed instructions entered with a simple-to-use keypad
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