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their bachelor's degree (or equivalent qualification) was awarded by an institution where the medium of instruction was English. # The University is now Access state-of-the-art academic, student life, and sports facilities. Language. Language of Instruction: English. Chinese Language Study: Optional. Althoughfor qualification from a university or comparable institution outside Hong Kong where the language of teaching and/or examination is not English, a candidate is Notes on Language of Instruction · Chinese and other language courses (credit-bearing, and non-credit bearing but fee-paying courses) are offered during the term The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (abbreviated as HKUST) is a public research university in Clear Water Bay Peninsula, New Territories, A research co-led by social scientists from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Shanghai University and International Institute for The requirements are waived for applicants whose first language is English and/or studying in institutions where English is the primary medium of instructions. Details of Postgraduate courses are available here. Language of instruction. Courses in HKUST are mainly conducted in English. Exceptions include some foreign
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