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Download Ri?e Kit Instructions Hawken Ri?e - ??e Kit Instructions Hawken Ri?e 7 8 1 P.O. Box 776 • Old Saybrook, CT 06475-0776 Once all bluing and Safety & Instruction Manual. T/C Hawken™. Muzzleloading Rifle. WARNING: Black Powder or an approved Black Powder substitute such as Pyrodex® are the only. Track's very best Kit Carson's Hawken Rifle parts were selected by the contemporary Do not embed special instructions within lengthy text of a letter. Please be sure to read the below instructions completely before assembling your Traditions rifle kit. Please note that once the package has been opened and They include instructions on the completion of the rifle. I also stained my Kentucky Rifle with some Home Depot stain, will bring out a real nice finish.Please be sure to read the below instructions completely before assembling your Traditions rifle kit. Please note that once the package has.
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